You may know about regular well pumps that are used to pump water out of the well to your home plumbing. But there is another type called constant pressure pumps that also perform a similar task. This can confuse some people who are looking for well pump installation. So, here is everything you need to know about regular well pumps and constant well pressure systems.
Differences Between Well Pumps Vs. Constant Pressure Systems
How It Works
If you have a well in your home then getting a pump of sorts is going to be necessary, because you want something to push the water out of the well and into the places where you need it, like taps and faucets.
Traditional Well Pumps
When it comes to traditional well pumps, they work on the mechanism of pressurizing the water and making it go from a higher pressure point to a lower pressure point, i.e. from the inside of the well to the outside. This is a simple well pump that has been used for centuries and as far as its job goes, it does it wonderfully.
Constant Pressure Systems
As far as constant pressure systems go, you can already tell by the name of these pumps. These pumps are newer in technology and they maintain the pressure of the pump, by exerting it out of the well and into the taps at the same pressure.
Sometimes, there is an issue of low water pressure with wells, but if you have a constant well pressure system installed, then you will be good to go and you’ll never have to face this problem, because these pumps are designed to rectify the issue.
This is a very important thing to go over, because the installation of the pump matters a lot, especially in the initial phase of things. When you’re installing or even deciding on a pump type, there are several factors that you need to consider and one of them is height.
Traditional Well Pumps
When it comes to traditional well pumps, they are easy to install. They can be installed in shallow as well as deep wells, but keep in mind that the deeper the well is, the less the pressure of the water will be when it reaches the surface. So, traditional well pumps are great for shallow to medium-depth wells.
Constant Pressure Systems
When it comes to constant pressure systems that maintain the flow rate and keep the water coming at a constant pressure, you’re going to need an equal quantity of water to ensure that it stays the way.
So, for these pumps, they are installed in wells that are over 15 feet deep. Anything less than this number and you’re going for an overkill. These pumps are designed to be installed in deeper wells, so that is what you want to do, at the end of the day.
Tying in with the previous factor, you also want to consider the size of the pumps when you’re selecting between the two. Remember, not everyone has a lot of space to mount a pump on top of the well and for them, space and storage is a huge game changer.
Traditional Well Pumps
When it comes to traditional well pumps, they are either small or big and they don’t require a whole lot of storage to be installed. This also means that if you’re concerned with a small pump, then it’s easy to install, but if you’re going for a large pump, then it will certainly run into a lot of issues.
Constant Pressure Systems
As far as constant well pressure systems are concerned, they are not humongous, but they’re certainly a bit bigger than traditional well pumps. Since they have a lot of working parts, different regulators, mechanical parts, and other essential things that cater to the requirements of people, they need a bit more space to work on.
If you have a small space near the well, and it barely fits, then this pump will give you problems because it requires a bit more room to be installed and ultimately operate efficiently and without any problems.
Maintenance is always a very important factor to consider when it comes to well pumps. Maintaining a well is one thing, but maintaining a pump that is responsible for pumping water out of the well and onto the ground for use is a whole different ball game.
Traditional Well Pumps
So, when it comes to traditional well pumps, it’s safe to say that if they’re easy to install and they work sufficiently well in shallow wells, then you don’t need to maintain them a lot.
The only thing that you want to worry about is the replacement of moving parts and that happens more often than not, so even though it is generally not maintenance heavy, that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t need it altogether. You should schedule well pump service Boyds once a year.
Constant Pressure System
When it comes to constant well pressure systems, they also require a bit of maintenance and the main reason why is that they can get clogged if there is sand or dirt in the well and the water suddenly stops when there is a pressure drop.
This is a major issue and you want to solve it right away so that the pump will operate smoothly without any problem. It may be a pain in the neck now, but it is worth it in the end.
The longevity of the pumps is also important to go over. How long they last will ultimately define if they’re worth getting for your house and well or not.
Traditional Well Pumps
As far as traditional well pumps are concerned, their lifespan is short. They only work fluidly for 8-15 years, before they’re at a point where there is no point in trying to get it fixed over and over. It will be better if you can get a new pump altogether. This can also help you lower your energy bills because old pumps consume more power.
Constant Pressure Systems
As for constant well pressure systems, they are quite long-lasting, as long as you maintain them right. They will work amazingly for years to come. That’s because they are an advanced type of pump and they are not just newer pumps, but they’re better in every way, whether it’s efficiency, durability, and performance.
If you’re looking for a new pump, and you want something that will give you peace of mind in the future, then certainly go for a constant well pressure system, because it will be better in every aspect.
Price is something that you just can’t ignore.
Traditional Well Pumps
No matter if it’s old technology or not, traditional well pumps are still reasonable to this day, which is also why they’re still around. It makes for a reasonable and efficient pump for lots of people.
Constant Pressure Systems
As for constant well pressure systems, they are more expensive than any other pump type. They’re new, advanced, and more mechanized, so obviously these have to count for something. However, the price tag also makes people stay away from these pumps for the most part.
Traditional well pumps and constant well pressure systems are two of the most used systems out there and now you know everything there is to these contraptions. You’ll know which one is better for you when consider well pump replacement Middletown.